365 Days of Failure

365 Days of Failure

​Oh my great googley mooglies, if you missed Burn a Minute with the Burns last Friday — a weekly silly-sesh where Joe (<–the hubs) and I drop some diamonds as we give peeps a glimpse behind the curtain into our real lives — you MUST check this...
What Do You Actually Want For Your Magic?

What Do You Actually Want For Your Magic?

When we awaken the magic inside us we begin to truly understand what is possible for our life and dreams. When we finally learn to listen to and hear our internal guidance system, we suddenly have a voice to follow that lives in here (instead of the shouting crowd out...
Are You Ready to Get Started?

Are You Ready to Get Started?

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Michelangelo’s brilliant Sistine Chapel took four years to paint and David took two years to sculpt. The point is this: any magnificent, beautiful, treasured creation requires a first step and takes some measure of time. That measure of...