Sep 9, 2021 | Courage, Expression, Inspiration
When we awaken the magic inside us we begin to truly understand what is possible for our life and dreams. When we finally learn to listen to and hear our internal guidance system, we suddenly have a voice to follow that lives in here (instead of the shouting crowd out...
Sep 2, 2021 | Courage, Expression, Inspiration
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Michelangelo’s brilliant Sistine Chapel took four years to paint and David took two years to sculpt. The point is this: any magnificent, beautiful, treasured creation requires a first step and takes some measure of time. That measure of...
Aug 26, 2021 | Courage, Expression, Freedom, Inspiration, Magic
I can’t leave this job. I’ll never find another one that I can do as well, that pays me as much… I shouldn’t use my free time on something so frivolous when there’s so much to take care of. I won’t find the time to take that class, write that book, paint that canvas....
Jul 29, 2021 | Courage, Expression, Freedom, Leadership
Don’t go rushing after your destiny. There’s no need. Allow your path to unfold, to reveal itself in its own time. This path is not linear. It’s a spiral — at any point, you could be just around the bend from arriving where you’re meant to be. “Something is...
Jul 22, 2021 | Courage, Expression, Freedom, Leadership
You’re not meant to play small. There’s a gigantic space for you to fill with your magic and creation. I know you feel it. I know it courses through your veins, beats inside your chest and keeps time with your heart. Your soul knows how magnificent you are. You...