In Defense of the 3 Act Story Structure

In Defense of the 3 Act Story Structure

I recently read an article by a writer who claimed that the 3 Act Story Structure was essentially the “fast food” version of writing. His belief is that we’re giving America a bunch of junk food stories when what they really need is the sustenance found in...
Who do you want to be?

Who do you want to be?

Janice Hardy asked an interesting question years ago that has always stuck with me: “What have authors done that made you want to learn more about their book?” It’s had me thinking a LOT about who I am and who I want to be when it comes to my writing. It’s easy to...
Sometimes our safety line keeps us stuck

Sometimes our safety line keeps us stuck

The first time I went rappelling I was about 8-years old. I wasn’t terrified of heights, really, it was more the falling with the sudden stop at the bottom that made my stomach do flips while I laid, belly down, at the edge of the cliff staring at the rocky...