The Secret to Being the Top 5%

The Secret to Being the Top 5%

It’s no secret, I LOOOOOVE me some Walter Mitty. Well, there is this moment in Act 2 where Water is being told to run for the shore bike–essentially the mechanism that will get him to his goal. Confused because he doesn’t have a set time to reach his goal,...
When you already feel behind…

When you already feel behind…

A few nights ago I had an interesting experience that shifted my world. Weird, because it was so random, so mundane. A kleenex fell out of the car. That’s it. Okay, that isn’t all of it. The kleenex fell out and, before I could snatch it, blew away. Now...
What will your story be?

What will your story be?

I was eight when I decided I would have to have a scholarship to go to college. I think I was born with the desire for higher education, but 2nd grade was when I realized Mom and Dad wouldn’t be paying for it. Don’t ask. I probably knew too much as a child....
Sometimes our safety line keeps us stuck

Sometimes our safety line keeps us stuck

The first time I went rappelling I was about 8-years old. I wasn’t terrified of heights, really, it was more the falling with the sudden stop at the bottom that made my stomach do flips while I laid, belly down, at the edge of the cliff staring at the rocky...